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How to write a family reunion thank you note and what should I use

Family reunions are fun, joyful, memorable word nice events. But they do require a lot of house cleaning, preparation, planning for family reunion and contacting all members of family...

2022 February, 10 1221

What are different ways to say please or thanks to someone

Most of us learn saying please and thanks to other people at a very early age in our lives, parents teach children to thank others and say please or apologise when they did wrong. However as we progress in our lives and grow up, just those phrases...

2022 February, 8 382

2022 жылғы Қазақстан наразылықтары, Қазақстандағы азаматтық толқулар

2022 жылғы қазақстандық наразылықтар 2022 жылдың 2 қаңтарында басталып, 2022 жылдың 11 қаңтарында аяқталды (әзірге)...

2022 January, 12 179

Guide de voyage de Toronto, Canada – FORTH News VOYAGE Travel

une ville polyvalente, elle est en plein essor, intéressante et mélange de cultures du monde entier. Toronto est la capitale de l'État canadien de l'Ontario. C'est la ville la plus peuplée du Canada à l'heure actuelle et c'est aussi la 4e ville la plus peuplée d'Amérique du...

2021 July, 15 385

How to Take Timelapse Video by iPhone or iPad

How to make a video timelapse. The Time-lapse feature was introduced on iPhones since the iOS 8 launch included in iPhone 6. Apple’s iOS 8 Operating system was launched on the date of 17th September 2014. The Apple’s iOS 8 is compatible with the modern iPhones and iPad, Following the introduction of the iOS 8 in the Apple era...

2021 April, 16 186

Donald Trump is planning to launch his own Social Network

Donald Trump has hinted the people of America and the world about the plans for launching a Social Media platform of his own in the near future of 2021. But did not reveal any possible time or date for same neither shared further details about this new business he is planning to expand into...

2021 March, 30 1388

Technologies which Defined this Decade of 2010-2020

This decade has done a lot for us in the technology sector. Although the ending wasn’t what we hoped for, the story of technology during this decade is the story of gadgets going from the corners of our lives to everywhere all the time. The Gadgets which helped us advance to the next phase of our civilisation. From VR Gaming to the Mic Industry, we have seen enormous changes from when the devices first came out. So here we are making a list of the decade’s most important and influential gadgets...

2021 March, 8 1122
United Nations